My Good Friend |
Every people have a rule in their mind to measure their friends. For example, good friends or unwell-known friends or bad friends. The first type of friends are good friends. This kind of friend help you a lot. Although they may not talkative, they put you in their mind and most close of you. I have a friend who named Matthew Wang. He is a nice guy and he helps me a lot and I am pretty like to talk with him or do something for him. Another type of friends is you do not know him very well. For example, your friend introduces a new friend to you, but you do not like this guy. You may say HI when you see him, but you may not want to know his family or something else about him because you are different types people. The last type of friends makes you feel antipathy. Maybe you don wonna to know him, but you have to. For example, this guy is your neighbourhood, and he takes drugs and always asks you for borrow money. You might get headache with him and you don want to see him anymore. these are three types friends in my mind.