Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tonight, I Am Sleepless..

   I can't fall asleep, all things turn around in my head and never go out. I feel that I should to write something in here, so I get up. The first one is about my class--the third time that I take 360. Sometimes I ask myself, am I stupied? "NO," I always tell myself after I think that. Why I get these lower mark? not pay more attention on my study? Yes, it should be a good answer. but why??... I used to write down the words many many times. I used to seat in my desk to edit my essay for six hrs and never leave. Last semester, Annabelle write back to me that "I am sure you will dAo it next time." She gave me this encourage, but I still do not catch this last chance, right? I fall behind all my classmates. I don know if I am discouraged... I am sure I am not a good student. The evidence is...I don even know what I am writing about. I play computer games and I used to wallow in games. I feel that I am avoiding the real. I don even have many friends. I just like a frog stay in a deep wells, and can't tough new things anymore, rest on my past achievement.

p.s. I don no are these words  right or wrong, I just wonna tell myself, it is the chance to get change even I don like changes. The most important hint is don be regret in ur future.

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